Società di Danza Novara

Nineteeth Century Dances Courses 

“To rediscover the charm and pleasure of traditional European society dances.”

End of Summer Grand Ball

on the Lake

Sunday 22 September 2024 

Palazzo Penotti-Ubertini

Via Caire Albertoletti 31

Orta San Giulio (No)

For Informations:

Cinzia – 388 6523015 

Roberto – 393 4179847

Orta San Giulio.

Grand Balls, Tea dances, Events

The Società di Danza organizes Grand Balls

and Tea dances to practice the dances

learned during the lessons.

The Grand Balls, made in historic buildings

and theaters are formal reconstructions

of Nineteenth-century historical dances,

in period costume.

The Tea dances are informal meetings,

organized by various circles, usually,

Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

To see the national program,

follow the  link